I don't usually write about my personal life in my business blog,
but today I feel like it's important. As many of you know, in January my
son was born. Today Finn is 4 months old! When he was born, my whole life
changed, and not all in positive ways.
Before my son was born, I was active. I did field work in December
when I was 8 months pregnant, walked our dog, had no problem with household
tasks, and on occasion did some strength training. I worked on my balance and basic
core and pelvic floor exercises to make sure I was strong enough for labour.
After Finn was born I was shocked with how much my abilities were
reduced. My balance was so poor that I felt like I was falling when going up
and down stairs. Lifting my son from the floor felt like a 1-rep max even
though he was a tiny 6.5 pounds. Walking for 10 minutes felt like an hour of cardio.
I didn’t know why I felt this terrible! I felt like I was doing something
I would sit on the sofa, for hours on end, unable to do simple housework,
and I felt so anxious. I created scenarios in my mind where I would have to quickly
jump up and get the baby, the dog and cat, and myself out of the house for some
reason, and was frightened I wouldn’t have the strength to move quickly enough.
I imagined that I would drop my son while carrying him to change his diaper. Looking
back, I was feeling the textbook symptoms of post partum anxiety, and it was scary.
Mental health is something that I have recognized in many of my patients,
especially surrounding life changing injuries. Dealing with injury is a difficult
time and can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression. I have worked with
athletes who are having a crisis of identity as they are unable to participate
in the sports that have become such a huge part of their lives. Eventually I
started to recognize these feelings in myself. I was having a crisis of
identity as I adjusted from being a busy, fierce, energetic and able entrepreneur,
to being a mom, and I didn’t know how I would ever be able to combine those
things together.
As an Athletic Therapist, it is outside of my scope of practice to
assess or treat mental health, but I have learned through research and experience
that there are two things that I can suggest to a patient to help them through
these difficult times; Exercise and Community. I could quote a dozen studies that
show that even a slight increase in exercise can positively effect mood. And a
dozen more that show that having a conversation with someone, especially someone
who is experiencing something similar, can do the same. I often encourage my
athletes to continue exercising, incorporating modifications to protect their
injury, and to continue attending team practices and events to avoid isolation.
I realized that I was at a point in my recovery that I needed to
start following my own advice. But I was scared! Starting something new, especially
when you are feeling vulnerable and incapacitated is terrifying. Luckily for
me, the midwifes at my clinic, Family Midwifery Care of Guelph are extremely
aware of the difficulties with mental health that new mom’s experience. Through
the magic of social media, I learned of a group called Up and Running, a
program for new moms struggling with their mental health. I joined their walking
with babies group, and now every Wednesday and Friday Finn and I go for a walk,
and we talk and are open about how we are dealing with our new lives.
I feel so much healthier, both of mind and of body. The community
and the exercise changed my life and helped my recovery. I suppose the take
home message here is two fold – don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help
or join a community of others when you are hurting, and no matter what, keep
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